
To maintain consistent nutrient and quality guarantees, we regularly analyze both our raw distillers grains and our manufactured products through Servi-Tech laboratories. Click to view the most recent results.


Growing Cattle with
Tom Fanning & Buffalo Feeders

Putting A Pencil to
Feed Cost Comparisons

2023 OSU Trials Focus on
Grazing Dairy-Cross Cattle

Versatility Matters: Using DDG Cubes
on a Diversified Operation

Trial Tests DDG Cubes
on High Risk Calves

University Data Shows Benefits
of DDG Cubes on Grass

MasterHand Milling –
Simple, Superior Nutrition

MasterHand Milling –
By Cattlemen For Cattlemen

MasterHand Milling Optimizing
Feedyard Performance

MasterHand Milling –
More Than A Feed Company

Feeding DDG Cubes to Summer Grass Cattle Offers Major Returns

MasterHand Milling Maximizing
Feed Efficiency when Prices Rise


Find A Retailer

We are proud to work with a network of dealers and distributors across the Midwest who share our passion for providing superior products and service.  View our dealer map to find a retailer in your area.